FEND Securities Expert Witness
Consulting expert in litigation and arbitration, nationally (25 states), involving securities, insurance and annuities. 397 arbitrations (900 retentions) since 1991, before NASD, FINRA, JAMS, AAA, NYSE, PSE & 105 mediations. Mr. Dinehart, RFC, a FINRA Arbitrator, has qualified & testified as a Securities Expert Witness in L.A. Federal Court & State Courts in L.A., Orange. Fresno & San Diego. CASE TRACK RECORD – 358 WINS/39 LOSSES. “While I charge for my services, my opinions are not for sale”.

Welcome to FEND
FEND, through Mason A. Dinehart III, RFC, provides objective expert witness opinions on the standard of care in the securities industry, based upon discovery, due diligence, technical knowledge and the four decades of securities experience he brings to the case. From a long-standing banking background in corporate finance, to underwriting and investment banking & real estate experience, he adds a strong knowledge of modern portfolio theory through the teaching of hundreds of retirement financial planning seminars at the corporate level.
Mr, Dinehart is the designated securities expert witness for the California State Bar.
From this vantage point, FEND* provides a refreshing perspective into the securities expert witness testifying arena that combines comprehensive analysis with effective communication skills. These factors, along with serving as a FINRA arbitrator and representing both claimant’s and respondent’s (65%/35%), contribute to a 90% success ratio in the securities expert witness field. All of Mr. Dineharts’ securities licenses are current (7, 24, 63, 65, 79 & 99).
Mr. Dinehart was designated as the expert witness in two class actions, one being confirmed by the CA Ninth Circuit. After providing expert and rebuttle reports along with his deposition, both cases settled.
Unavailable blackout calendar dates are listed under Agreements/Fee Schedule at the bottom of the page.
*Financial Education Network Development
Consulting Securities Expert Witness in both Court and Arbitration
Securities Arbitration/Litigation Case Review and Evaluation
- Thorough Analysis of Due Diligence Performed on Products sold
- Evaluation of Portfolio Risk Factors (Scorecard Analysis)
- Assessment of Sales Practices Utilized (Standards of Care)
- Analysis of Supervision Performed (R.R.’s and RIA’s)
- Discovery Review and Recommendations
- Forensic Accounting Reports
- Specialized Analysis (Concentration – Modern Portfolio Theory)
- High Impact Demonstrative Exhibits
- Damage Calculations Utilizing Well Managed Account Theory
- Persuasive Expert Testimony Before All Triers of Fact.