Mason Alan Dinehart III, RFC – FEND Securities Expert Witness
74 Sage Circle, San Ramon, Ca 94583 (Mailing Address)
Tel. (310) 850-2834
tremase@comcast.net; tremase@fend.com
CA Life Insurance./Var. Contracts license # 0643601

– No charge for non-stop air flight time. Auto mileage is billed at $100 per hour…
TERMS: Minimum – $5,000 retainer paid in advance. Any amount spent from the retainer is non-refundable upon settlement or withdrawal of the matter, including the expert designation fee. All travel and hotel accommodations, including meals are expected to be provided by attorney/client prior to the hearing as well.
100% of the estimated charges (over & above the retainer) are payable prior to attendance at the first day of the hearing/trial. This is so the arbitration panel/court will be assured that my fees and expenses have no bearing on the outcome of the case. If fees were delayed, opposing counsel would argue that my fees were contingent on an award being granted. Expert witness credibility and objectivity are the key considerations here.
It is the usual custom and practice for the expert to attend the entire hearing (experts are allowed). At a minimum, it is important to hear the broker and client (in that order) testify under cross examination and answer questions from the panel. This is invaluable in preparing expert testimony for the hearing, because it is timely and based on elements that actually occur at the hearing as witnessed by all concerned. It would be very detrimental to the case to have an expert come in blindly and testify in a vacuum and possibly be characterized as a “hired gun” (defined as one who is willing to mold his opinion according to request) This could be patently damaging to the entire case. As a result, when traveling outside California, I require a minimum of two hearing days as a flat fee.
Fend is not and does not represent itself as a provider of legal advice. We evaluate cases based upon years of experience within the industry and in securities arbitration, and render our opinions accordingly. Where appropriate, we offer expert testimony in support of argument. We are not finders of fact but rather providers of opinion and consultation. Last updated 12-22-2016**
** Includes complete P&L (total and on each security), portfolio turnover ratio/cost to equity ratio analysis, chronological account activity, holding period analysis, rate of return analysis, mark-up analysis (with confirms), and interest calculations. Also available, at additional cost, are stock, mutual fund, variable annuity portfolio concentration and volatility analysis (Morningstar Principia – historical), review, critique and rebut opposing analyses and exhibits, internal investigations and reviews, active account reviews as well as hypothetical well managed return (account theory) analysis (Thomson Reuters)..
Approved by: Mason A. Dinehart III, RFC
Accepted by ____________________
May 19 – 23